Irgun, the first terrorist
in human history

Irgun, the Israeli terrorist group

- The Cradle Media Telegram
- Gaza Insight Telegram

On this day in 1946, a group of Irgun, a Zionist organization, dressed up as 'Arab' workmen and bombed the British administrative headquarters located in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem.



This first terror attack in human history by Irgun carried out the bombing with the Haganah's approval, the leading Zionist armed group in Palestine.


Courtesy of the Associated Press AP

The Bombing of the King David Hotel occurred on July 22, 1946, in Jerusalem. The attack was carried out by the Zionist terrorist group 'Irgun', led by Menachem Begin, who later became the Prime Minister of so-called Israel.



The King David Hotel housed the British administrative and military headquarters in Palestine. The Irgun's goal was to drive the British out of Palestine to facilitate the establishment of a Jewish state.

The Irgun Zvai Leumi was a Jewish right-wing underground movement established in Palestine back in 1931. Initially, it had the support of numerous nonsocialist Zionist parties. It was in stark contrast to the Haganah, another paramilitary group at the time.

However, by 1936, the Irgun had aligned itself with the Revisionist Party, a more extreme nationalist faction that had broken away from the World Zionist Organization. Their agenda included advocating for the use of force if necessary to establish a Jewish state on both sides of the Jordan River.


Interview with former Haganah, Irgun, and Lehi terrorist Jews.

The terror group Irgun committed acts of terrorism and assassination against the British, whom it regarded as illegal occupiers, and it was also violently anti-Arab.

Irgun was a part of the organization of illegal immigration into Palestine after the publication of the British White Paper on Palestine (1939), which severely limited immigration.

Irgun’s violent activities led to the execution of many of its members by the British; in retaliation, Irgun executed British army hostages.


Terrorist Israel list

The picture depicted who were terrorists at that time.


Terrorist Itamar Ben Gvir is part of a terrorist organization of Neo Irgun, no doubt, kindly watch his destructive behavior against Goyim (non-Jews illegal settlers).

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