At the time of writing, the RNN Telegram Channel has 163, 679 subscribers and it also has a channel dedicated to monitoring the Palestinian detainees in terrorist Israel jail: The RNN Prisoner Telegram channel (with 10,029 subscribers). This is the backup channel they have created recently and kindly check here for the archives
Latest announcement from RNN Channel:
"RNN was banned across European countries moments ago. We reassure our subscribers that we will activate and share our backup channel shortly. In the meantime, you may follow the pages following this link (Samidoun Network Channel) to stay updated on the news".
Other Resistance News Channels in Telegram:
You need to use an app (mobile or desktop) from the official Telegram instead of Google PlayStore or Apple AppStore due to some geo and user restrictions applied to some channels below:
1. Hamas Media - Resistance Statement Channel
2. Hezbollah Military Media - Lebanese Channel
3. Yemen Military News - Abdul Malik AlHouthi Channel
4. Yemen Military News 2 - General Yahya Saree Channel
5 Global Resistance News - A Review Channel
Are you looking for a reliable source of news and updates on the ongoing struggles for freedom and justice in Palestine? Look no further than the Resistance News Network Telegram Channel. This channel has become a beacon of light for those seeking accurate and timely information on the resistance movements in Palestine.
What is the Resistance News Network Telegram Channel?
The Resistance News Network Telegram Channel is a platform that provides up-to-date news, analysis, and commentary on the various resistance movements in Palestine. From the latest developments in the Gaza Strip to the West Bank, this channel covers it all. With a team of dedicated journalists and activists, the Resistance News Network Telegram Channel aims to provide a voice to the voiceless and shine a spotlight on the injustices faced by the Palestinian people.
Why Should You Follow Resistance News Network Telegram Channel?
If you are passionate about supporting the fight for freedom and justice in Palestine, following the Resistance News Network Telegram Channel is necessary. Here are a few reasons why this channel should be on your radar:
1. Exclusive Content:
The Resistance News Network Telegram Channel offers exclusive content you won't find anywhere else. From interviews with frontline activists to on-the-ground reporting, this channel provides a unique perspective on the Palestinian resistance movement.
2. Timely Updates:
Stay informed of the latest news and updates on the situation in Palestine. The Resistance News Network Telegram Channel covers breaking news and developments as they happen, ensuring you are always in the loop.
3. Community Engagement:
Connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about supporting the Palestinian cause. The Resistance News Network Telegram Channel fosters a sense of community and solidarity among its followers.
Below are the headlines of the Samidoun Network and also citing sources from the Western Hypocrisy channel, click it if you want to access the channel directly on the Telegram App. There is a technical issue that we can't generate the RSS Page from the RNN channel itself, we're so sorry for that.
How can access the Resistance News Network Telegram Channel?
Joining the Resistance News Network Telegram Channel is easy. Simply search for the channel on the Telegram app and hit the 'Join' button. Once you are a member, you will have access to a wealth of information on the resistance movements in Palestine.
The Resistance News Network Telegram Channel is a valuable resource for anyone interested in following the struggles for freedom and justice in Palestine. With exclusive content, timely updates, and a supportive community, this channel is a must-follow for those looking to stay informed and engaged. Join the Resistance News Network Telegram Channel today and be a part of the movement for a free Palestine.
Last but not least, knowledge is a power and the true info is what people expect to see. Stay informed on the latest news and updates on the Palestinian resistance movements by following the Resistance News Network Telegram Channel. Join now for exclusive content and community engagement.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades - Youth of Revenge and Liberation:
With pride and honor, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades - Youth of Revenge and Liberation - Palestine, announces the martyrdom of the paramedic Tamer Saqr, who ascended on Friday, August 2, 2024, succumbing to the injuries he sustained following the recent aggression of the terrorist zionists on Balata Camp while carrying out his humanitarian duties.
It is indeed a jihad of victory or martyrdom.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades
Youth of Revenge and Liberation - Palestine. (Source: The RNN Channel).
The latest development regarding the political leader of the Hamas movement:
A letter from Yahya Sinwar, the head of the Hamas Political Bureau, to Nujaba Movement Secretary-General Sheikh Akram Al-Kaabi, the Islamic resistance in Iraq (Source: Samidoun Network, also check this citing post on Resistance News Network).
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
September 8th, 2024
His Eminence, Sheikh Akram Al-Kaabi, may Allah protect him.
Peace be upon you, and the mercy and blessings of Allah.
Allah Almighty said: "And He takes martyrs from among you."
We in the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, have received with great appreciation and pride your gracious message of congratulations and condolences on the martyrdom of our dear leader and fighter, Mr. Ismail Haniyeh, Abu Al-Abd, the head of the political bureau of the movement, and his companion, the fighter brother Wassim Abu Shaaban, Abu Anas. We thank you for your solidarity, blended with sincere and noble emotions, and we ask Allah Almighty to bless your efforts and protect you and your country from all harm.
Our leader, the martyr, the symbol of the nation and Palestine, Abu Al-Abd, ascends in the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, one of the most honorable battles in our Palestinian people's history, following the path of the martyr leaders. His blood, along with the blood of his sons, grandchildren, and family, joins the great sacrifices made by our people in Gaza, the West Bank, Al-Quds, and the occupied interior, to affirm that the blood of our leaders and fighters is not more valuable than the blood of our people and that this pure blood and the blessed convoys of martyrs will only increase our resilience and strength in confronting the Nazi zionist occupation until it is expelled and wiped off our land and sanctities, and until we establish our fully sovereign independent state, with Al-Quds as its capital.
The movement also reaffirms that it will always remain steadfast on the path of loyalty to the blood of the martyrs and that the lofty principles advocated by the martyr leader Abu Al-Abd will remain steadfast and present. Our movement and fighters will continue to adhere to them, foremost of which is the unity of our Palestinian people on the path of jihad and resistance, the unity of the word of our Arab and Islamic nation, and the rejection of division and discord, so that we may stand as one rank against the zionist enemy, the true enemy of our nation, and the greatest threat, driven by its expansionist ambitions to steal the nation's resources and capabilities.
We ask Allah Almighty to protect you, your family, and your homes with goodness, safety, and stability.
The office of the leader of the Hamas movement,
Brother and fighter Yahya Sinwar, Abu Ibrahim.
Visit the RNN channel or this RNN backup