The Arrest of Telegram CEO Mr. Pavel Durov

Mr. Pavel Durov fled Russia when the government tried to take control of his social media platform Telegram. But in the end, it wasn’t Putin who arrested him for allowing the public to exercise free speech, it's global evil Zionism who did it.

The latest update (below), and it seems like our best man has been back, just don't know the exact location he published a new post on his channel, however, thanks to God for his release ;)

Before we deep dive into the news, let's pray for the freedom of Mr. Pavel Durov because he has done many good things for us, for the oppressed people around the world which is committed by zionists, ISIS, liberal capitalists, far-right wing terrorists, fascists, neo-nazis, communists, and other parts of evil inside humankind.

This  post was made with references:
 1. Yarkaya Volna, a Russian-speaking Telegram Channel
 2. The Cradle Media

We don't use the Western mainstream media as a reference due to their imbalance news upon global Zionism, pure journalism is dead and free speech has been mutilated!


Charges against Mr. Pavel Durov

The latest update:

Telegram CEO, Mr. Pavel Durov was charged with 12 criminal counts, text version is available in the box.


Mr. Pavel Durov

Telegram owner Mr. Pavel Durov was detained in France


Telegram owner Pavel Durov's Superjet landed at Le Bourget Airport in France at around 8 p.m. to refuel, on August 24, 2024. As soon as Durov stepped off his private jet on the runway, accompanied by his bodyguard and a woman, he was detained by local law enforcement.


The National Directorate of the Judicial Police issued a "search warrant" based on a preliminary investigation into Mr Pavel Durov's refusal to cooperate with French security forces, making him an accomplice to drug trafficking and other serious crimes.


Against the backdrop of news of Durov's arrest, the TON cryptocurrency has fallen sharply. At the moment, the rate has fallen by more than 15%;


On current charges, including "terrorism, drugs, complicity, fraud, money laundering, concealment, pedophile content," Durov faces up to 20 years in prison.


Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson:

Pavel Durov fled Russia when the government tried to take control of his social media platform Telegram. But in the end, it wasn’t Putin who arrested him for allowing the public to exercise free speech. It was a Western country, an ally of the Biden administration and an active member of NATO, that locked down him. Pavel Durov sits in a French prison today, a living warning to any platform owner who refuses to censor the truth at the behest of governments and intelligence agencies. Darkness is quickly descending on the once-free world.


Rob Lee comment

Rob Lee:

An interesting and, of course, absolutely correct point about the role of Telegram in publishing military news and analytics, as well as security related to current wars in the world.


The arrest of Telegram CEO

French media:

Pavel Durov is a citizen of France and is not subject to exchange or extradition.

It should also be noted that Durov is also a citizen of the UAE.


The Cradle Media

The Cradle Media:

In just two weeks:


- The Cradle was banned by Meta (Facebook, Instagram).
- Resistance News Network RNN's Telegram channel was banned in the EU.

- Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov was arrested at Bourget Airport in France for 'lack of moderation' that allegedly allowed for criminal activity to take place.

- Scott Ritter's home was raided by the FBI over 'unregistered foreign agent' allegations.

- Journalist Richard Medhurst was arrested at Heathrow Airport under the UK Terrorism Act.


Who will be the next?


Palestine Lives Matter 🇵🇸🕊