The Cradle Media
Telegram Channel

According to their channel description:
The Cradle Media is an online news magazine covering West Asian geopolitics from within.


To support their works:

In memory of Mujahid Syekh Ismail Haniyeh.

Like all resistance leaders before him, Ismail Haniyeh will be remembered as a figure who made great sacrifices and contributions to the Palestinian cause and struggle for liberation throughout his political career. Source: The Cradle Media.


Genocide inGaza

Terrorist Israel committed three massacres across Gaza in less than one hour, source: The Cradle Media website.

At least 40 were murdered on Tuesday in Israeli attacks on the southern, central, and northern Gaza Strip, today July 16, 2024.

And the world is silent, the Pinocchio of Western media pretends nothing is happening, the Muslim world is sleeping well, and the Arabs keep counting their dirty oil money!

For more updates, please check the news wall from their Telegram channel RSS feed below:


Palestine Lives Matter 🇵🇸🕊