Zionism is a Colonialism Project

Arabs and Jews have peacefully coexisted for centuries in Palestine and surrounding lands, suddenly it ended when Zionism was created

Deir Yassin Village Market in 1930

Deir Yassin village market, Jerusalem in 1930 before ethnic cleansing and under attack by Zionist terrorists of Irgun Zvai Leumi (IZL or ETZEL) and Stern Gang (LEHI) led by Menachem Begin, visit here for more details.

This post originally is the voice of a Palestinian who anonymously wrote on this carrd.co platform then I remade it with my style, it's a simple page builder (many thanks to him/her). I did it to make the voice of the oppressed people of Palestine can be heard wider. It's a must for me to share what he/she wants to re-share, such as:
 1. Decolonize Palestine website.
 2. A constructive debate on YouTube.
 3. Ethnic Cleansing Book by Ilan Pappe, the good news is I found it on Amazon Com, additionally, I host it in a PDF file including Ten Myths about Israel, also by Ilan Pappe.
 4. Palestine Remembered (it's my own choice).

Palestine has a long and rich history. Over 3000 years ago, the region between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River was first written on ancient Egyptian tablets as Peleset. It has since grown to symbolize many different things to many different people. If you know King David or Prophet Daud A.S in Islam, you must know Jaluth or Goliath. Goliath (pronounced gə-LY-əth) is a Philistine, Peleset, Filistin, or Palestine warrior from the Book of Samuel. The Masoretic Text describes Goliath as 9 feet 9 inches (2.97 m) tall.

Throughout history, Palestine has hosted hundreds of civilizations, kingdoms, and empires. From Assyrian and Nabataean to Persian and Roman, and many more. Each had an impact on and was impacted by the area's diverse cultural and civilizational mix. These historical effects may still be felt in the idioms, language, and toponymy utilized by the local Palestinian community. 

Even Palestinian agricultural techniques may be traced back to the Natufians, a group credited with founding agriculture, who lived in Palestine and the fertile crescent as early as 9,000 BCE.

Palestine is a culturally rich place inside the levant in western Asia. It borders Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. Currently, its miles are being occupied by unlawful settlers of Israel, a Jewish ethnic-kingdom that turned into created by Zionists in 1948.

The Palestine issue isn't about religious conflict, but it's about the colonialism project of the Zionists, genocide, and ethnic cleansing against the natives in the levant.

While religion is certainly a factor, the conflict between Palestine and Israel is primarily driven by ideology. It's important to clarify that viewing it solely as a religious conflict, specifically as a 'Muslim vs Jewish' issue, oversimplifies and misrepresents the complex dynamics at play. It's essential to understand the multi-faceted nature of this conflict beyond religious affiliations, as it involves historical, political, and territorial aspects that contribute to the ongoing tensions.

Not all Palestinians are Muslims, many are also Christians, Druze, Samaritans, as well as Agnostic and Atheists. Palestinian Jews also exist, not all Jewish people are religious either, and many Jews are also atheists. Rather than a religious conflict, it's one of imperialism and neo-colonialism project.

Assuming it as a religious conflict between Muslims and Jews can also lead to Islamophobia or Antisemitism, Palestinians are Semite and Canaanite, not Arab although nowadays they talk in Arabic, in the past, in the era of Jesus they talked in Aramaic. Let's break them down: Aramaic consists of two dialectal groups: In the western region are Galilean Aramaic, Palestinian-Christian Aramaic, and Samaritan Aramaic, while in the eastern region are three dialectics: Syriac, Babylonian Talmud, and Mandaic.

Palestinians in 1900's till 1930's before the Nakba 1948

What is Zionism?

Zionism is a settler-colonial, racist ideology that calls for the establishment of a Jewish ethnostate on Palestinian territory. Zionism is by its very nature anti-Palestinian since it can only exist as long as the Palestinian people are ethnically cleansed and uprooted continuously. Theodor Herzl, Ze'ev Jabotinsky, and David Ben-Gurion were among the early Zionist leaders who freely acknowledged that Zionism was a settler-colonial project that necessitated the forcible eviction of Palestinians from their homes and homeland.

A Jewish demographic majority is required for the existence of a Jewish state, which means that Palestinians will never have the right to return. Regardless of what Zionists assert, Palestinians will never be equal citizens of Israel, absolute freedom is the only way to achieve peace.

Is anti-Zionism antisemitic?

No, Anti-zionism is an attitude held by both Palestinians and non-Palestinians in sympathy with the Palestinian people. While some anti-Zionists (and some Zionists) may be antisemitic, the stance itself is not. It is also not antisemitic to oppose Israeli policy.

In this argument titled "Dispute: anti-zionism is anti-semitism," Ilan Pappé, an anti-zionist Jewish Israeli historian, goes into further depth about why anti-zionism is not antisemitism. It's an hour-long argument that I highly suggest viewing.

Zionists use antisemitism against Palestinians and allies who advocate for Palestinian human rights to silence criticism of Israel. By claiming that anti-zionism equals antisemitism, zionists identify any Palestinians who oppose oppression as antisemites, as well as everyone who advocates for Palestinian human rights.


Historian Professor Ilan Pappé: The Untold Truths of the 1948 Palestinian Nakba


Professor Ilan Pappe

Professor Ilan Pappe is an anti-Zionist Jew, he teaches history at the University of Exeter. His many books include The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine and Gaza in Crisis (co-authored with Noam Chomsky). He writes for, among others, the Guardian and London.

The two-state solution is absurd, it's only Zionist extension to deny Palestine's sovereignty!

The two-state solution calls for Israel and Palestine to coexist as independent states. However, this solution is not truly a solution because it is simply another type of Zionism, and Israel has never expressed an interest in enabling a Palestinian state to exist. Palestinians are losing territory daily, and Israel has consistently demonstrated that it has no intention of stopping the construction of illegal settlements on the West Bank. Even if a two-state solution is implemented, Palestinians would remain at a significant disadvantage and under continual threat.

The one-state solution (either a Palestinian state or a full Israeli state) argues for a single state in which Arabs and Jews may coexist. However, a one-state solution under the Israeli government would ultimately imply that the Palestinian people would be entirely under the state of Israel in every way possible.

The creation of a single Palestinian state would result in the liberation of Palestine and the total abolition of the State of Israel. This is the only path to justice; Arabs and Jews can coexist without an ideology that calls for the targeted eradication of one group's ethnic identity. Millions of Palestinians would no longer have to endure apartheid and occupation, and they would be permitted to return home.


Zionists: The guests who expelled and murdered the natives.

Palestinians genuinely are not Arabs but the Levantines.

The Palestinians and many other Levantine Arabs are considered an Arabized population, not to be confused with the Arabs who colonized the Levant. They are part of the indigenous Levantine population who began identifying as Arabs after a process of Arabization. This underscores the fact that Palestinian Arabs have roots in Palestine dating back thousands of years, making them equally indigenous to the land despite their Arab identity.

Arabs and Jews have coexisted for centuries in Palestine and surrounding lands. In the 1800s, Zionists migrated to Palestine intending to create a Jewish ethnostate, known as Israel. Unlike previous coexistence, these Zionists did not seek peaceful cohabitation with the Palestinian people. Instead, they viewed them as a hindrance to being removed to establish their desired Jewish state.

Zionism is a colonialism project!

Zionism originated as a Western colonial endeavor in the early 1800s, with the Middle East being seen as a key strategic location by European leaders like Napoleon who sought to advance their imperialistic goals by establishing allies in the region.
Over time, Zionism gained traction among a minority of the Jewish community in Europe. Prominent Jewish Zionist figures like Theodor Herzl and David Ben-Gurion acknowledged the necessity of addressing the indigenous Palestinian population to establish a Jewish state, recognizing that a Jewish-majority state could not coexist with a Palestinian-majority population.

In 1902, Theodor Herzl engaged with various European leaders and government officials in his efforts to garner backing for the creation of a Jewish state. Among those he corresponded with was Cecil Rhodes, a prominent figure involved in the acquisition of land in Southern Africa. These Zionist individuals openly acknowledged that Zionism was a colonial endeavor, evident by the inclusion of the term 'colonial' in the titles of early Zionist associations in Mandate Palestine. They were fully aware of the colonialistic tendencies of Zionism, yet remained indifferent to the detrimental impact it had on the indigenous Palestinian population.


Muhammed Hadid is the father of Gigi and Bella Hadid, his grandfather is one of the men who built Haifa Port.

Palestine Lives Matter 🇵🇸🕊