Gaza News - 7

Gaza genocide keeps going on, the ethnic cleansing against Palestinians even increasing, and so this blog's reports, will be continued until Palestine is free from the Israeli invaders, occupiers, and murderers

Terrorist Israel committed new massacres against children, babies, and women today in Gaza and Beirut.

Weapons come from zionist America with the silent support of Arab traitors!
Why? Because the first to report Hezbollah's Commander Ibrahim Aqil's assassination (allegation) is the Hebrew media and the Muslim betrayal of Saudi media!

This traitorous kingdom of Su'udiyah knew everything in every terrorist Jewish Israel attack before we realized it was happening!

They clapped at Israel's terrorism in Lebanon!

Remember these hateful Western media and terrorist Israel supporters:


  1. The New York Post
  2. The Sun - UK
  3. The Mirror - UK
  4. Dave Portnoy - Jewish Barstool
  5. Linda Yaccarino - CEO of X Twitter and many more but not mentioned here.



Don't read their fake news, don't subscribe to their hateful media, and unsubscribe from now if you're a payer of this garbage.

Starting now, these mainstream media have been included in the BDS list, officially.


Martyred in his mother's lap. Recovering a child martyred in an occupation bombing on a house in Gaza City by the terrorist group of Israel, supported by zionist America, British, and Germany, not excluding the Arab traitors of ruling Egypt, UAE, Jordan, Arab Saudi, Bahrain, and Morocco!

استشهد في حضن والدته.. انتشال طفل استشهد في قصف للاحتلال على أحد المنازل في مدينة غزة


No more stolen land of Palestinian in near future

Very soon ...

Insha Allah ☝️




Health and hospitals in Palestine since October 7:


• 23 Hospitals are out of service in Gaza Since October

• 162 Health institutions were targeted by occupation.

• 80 Health centers are out of service.

• 131 Destroyed or damaged ambulances.


- Ministry of Relief Affairs -


Civil defense crews managed to retrieve an injured elderly Palestinian woman after the terrorist Israeli occupation warplanes struck a home belonging to the Hasouna family in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in eastern Gaza City.

This is Zionist Saudi Arabia!
This is Takfiris Wahhabist!
This is the Arab Traitor!
This is Muslim Betrayal!

He mocked thousands of victims of terrorist Israel's pager attack in Lebanon, may Allah punish him in a way that he never expected before, including the Zionist-Wahhabist regime of Saudi Arabia as a whole!

"Wake up! Join the human race!"


A pro-Palestine protester from England, Charles from Basingstoke, explains why he supports Palestine at the national demonstration in London.


"LEONARDO is complicit in Gaza genocide!"


Pro-Palestine activists disrupted the SPIE Security and Defense exhibition at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, sponsored by arms giant Leonardo UK, which manufactures laser targeting systems for F-35 jets sold to the Israeli occupation.


The Traitor of Muslim, Al-Arabiya Media

The betrayal against Muslims by fucking Saudis regime and its parasite media of Al-Arabiya at the highest level of Munafeeq!

If you're a Muslim please take care, don't buy its propaganda, all posts from this snake are poisons!
Check the Cradle Media website to find out more.

Pro-Palestine activists organized a run for Palestine in Malmö, Sweden, proudly carrying Palestinian flags and donning keffiyehs scarfs.🍉🇵🇸

A Palestinian woman lost her temper as a terrorist Israeli Breaker Excavator destroyed her home in the town of Beit Awwa in the south of the occupied West Bank for greater stolen lands and illegal settlements, according to international law and so many UN resolutions.

A place where the traitorous Mahmoud Abbas and his PA idiots have no intention of defending their very own people!

Israel Kills Kids

"Israel Kills Kids!"


📍Spotted in Ballarat, Australia


A Palestinian girl shares her sorrow over the loss of her beloved sister, who was killed when an Israeli airstrike targeted their home, leaving a deep void and longing in her heart.

UN Resolution

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for an end to terrorist Israel's illegal occupation within 12 months, with 124 countries voting in favor, 14 against, and 43 abstaining.



Sponsored by Turkey and over 50 member states, the resolution asserts that Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal under international law, including rulings by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the UN Security Council (UNSC).




The resolution affirmed that Israeli settlements violate international law and that the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination under the UN Charter.

- Quds EN -


Joyful ululations fill the air as Palestinians from northern Gaza celebrate receiving a chicken after 11 months of the terrorist Israeli occupation preventing the entry of meat and poultry into the area.

CODEPINK activists bravely confronted Senator Josh Hawley over receiving money from AIPAC to support the terrorist Israeli occupation.

The terrorist Israeli war has devastated Gaza’s agriculture, destroying thousands of olive trees and farmland. Farmers are struggling with soaring costs, threatening livelihoods and food security in the besieged Strip.

Rain infiltrates the tents of displaced Palestinians as winter approaches in Gaza, adding to their suffering and ruining their only shelters.

FRom The River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free

"Free Palestine! From The River To The Sea!" ✌🏻🇵🇸


📍Spotted at Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


Palestine supporters in Mainz, Germany staged a sit-in to honor Palestinian children and journalists killed by the terrorist Israeli occupation in Gaza.

Recovering the body of the child martyr Moatasem Hussein Abu Shawqa from the rubble of his family's house bombed by the occupation yesterday in the Bureij camp.


انتشال جثمان الشهيد الطفل معتصم حسين أبو شوقة من تحت ركام منزل عائلته التي قصفها الاحتلال أمس في مخيم البريج.


Palestine Lives Matter 🇵🇸🕊