Gaza News - 9

Global Zionism has conquered America, Britain, Germany, and other treacherous Arab states, all they do is nothing but under the command of the terror group Israel.

Abu Ubaida

Highlights from Qassam Brigades’ spokesman Abu Obeida on the first anniversary of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, October 7 this year 2024.


○ Our decision to ignite the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood was a cry in the face of the enemy and the silent, conspiratorial, helpless world in the face of the oppression of our people. The current occupation government, with its terrorist hatred, does not want to see a single Palestinian west of the Jordan River. This is what Netanyahu expressed in the maps he presented to the world.


○ A year on, our fighters of all factions continue their steadfastness and heroic fighting with solid determination, in every inch of the Gaza Strip. wherever there are enemy soldiers, vehicles or military gatherings, they face an unprecedented heroic battle.


○ Our decision is to continue the confrontation, in a long, painful, and extremely costly battle of attrition for the enemy for as long as it insists on continuing the aggression.


○ If assassinations were a victory, the resistance would have ended with the assassination of Sheikh Izz al-Din al-Qassam 90 years ago. However, the resistance continued and grew stronger. If brutality, house demolitions, and revenge had stopped the resistance, the heroes of Gaza would not have humiliated the enemy in every street and alley after every war.


○ We confirm that the operations taking place today in the region, and the participation of the fronts of Yemen and Lebanon in particular, are honorable and appreciated positions from our people and their conscience.


○ We salute all the resistance forces in the region and our free brotherly peoples.


○ We are confident in Hezbollah’s steadfastness and courage in inflicting heavy and painful losses on the Zionist enemy forces, as the martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah promised.


○ What is happening today in the occupied West Bank and occupied Jerusalem confirms that the enemy’s crimes in Gaza are no exception. It is a systematic policy practiced everywhere our people are present, as the occupation seeks to displace us and kill our identity through slow methods of extermination.


○ Our people know that this enemy only understands the language of force and that weapons can only be confronted with weapons. In the West Bank, our resistance fighters taught the enemy harsh lessons, reminding us that our people will not retreat until their full rights are restored.


○ We say to the captives’ families that they could have recovered their prisoners alive a year ago. If that was in line with Netanyahu's ambitions and interests, the deal would have been done. Since day one, we have been keen to protect them and preserve their lives.


○ It is unreasonable to intend to kill or harm prisoners, as this is not part of the teachings of our religion. What happened with the six prisoners in Rafah could happen again if the Netanyahu government continues to be stubborn and place obstacles in the way of the exchange deal.


○ The Zionists must understand that they are outcasts from the entire free world and that the umbrella of shame provided to them by the American administration and some Western European governments is a perforated umbrella.


○ We ask the scholars and preachers of our [Islamic] Ummah: Are you waiting for a morning when you wake up to the news of the demolition of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, God forbid?


○ The least to be done is to mobilize the scholars of the [Islamic] nation to clarify the truth of the conflict and to clarify the legitimacy and sanctity of our battle and the obligation of jihad to defend our Al-Aqsa and our holy land, far from the sectarian discourses that divide the nation.


How Yemenis react to the US and UK bombing their country on behalf of the Israel terrorist regime. The most immovable people on the face of the planet, the people who dare to challenge global Zionism hegemony.


Peaceful protest for Palestine and Lebanon

Thousands took to the streets of New York City to protest the Israeli aggressions on Gaza and Lebanon, almost a year on from the start of the Gaza genocide and 76 years of invasion and ethnic cleansing by terrorist Israel in Palestinian land.


This morning (October 06, 2024), the terrorist Israel's aircraft bombarded the road between Ain Ebel and Rmeish in southern Lebanon, hindering ambulances and civil defense teams from reaching the targeted areas.

The moment children were injured in the occupation raids and continuous artillery shelling on northern Gaza.


لحظة نقب إصابات في صفوف الأطفال في غارات الاحتلال والقصف المدفعي المتواصل على شمال غزة


On October 6, 2024, over 15 Palestinian and pro-Palestinian groups united in Berlin to protest the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Despite police efforts to block the march through Sonnenallee, protesters insisted they would not be driven from their neighborhoods and demanded the right to protest against genocide and Germany's complicity.


During the protest, police used excessive force, kicking and punching demonstrators while deploying pepper spray indiscriminately. Dozens were hospitalized, raising serious concerns about the treatment of those advocating for Palestinian rights.



Palestinian journalist Fadi Al-Wahidi was injured due to the terrorist Israel's sniper that targeted a group of journalists in northern Gaza.

This journalist is one of the most active reporters who cover the genocide in Gaza, we see his name in almost all short videos on many social media.

Ya Allah, please give him the strength to overcome his injury, and he will be fine soon, Amin.

Donate to Yemeni Resistance

Zionist America, British, Germany, and other wicked European countries have sent billions of dollars to kill civilians in Palestine and Lebanon and implemented greater Israel under the protection of Arab traitors!

Let's resist them!
Donate to Yemeni Resistance now!

This is a toll-free dialing call.
This is the official Yemeni Post.
This is what the government of beloved Yemenis did!


  • Yemeni Dial Code: +967
  • Toll-Free within Yemen 8008008
  • Account Number: 1127

Long Live Ansarullah Yemeni
Long Live All Resistance Factions


400,000 Palestinians are trapped in the Northern Gaza

At least 400,000 Palestinians are trapped in northern Gaza following the terrorist Israel's invasion of the area, reports UNRWA Commissioner-General, Philippe Lazzarini.


Evacuation orders are forcing people to flee with no safe place to go, and UNRWA services and shelters are being forced to shut down, he adds.

- The zionist America, Britain, and Germany send more bombs to kill Palestinians and Lebanese
- The Muslim world is doing nothing
- The Arab traitors are sleeping and dancing with Israelis!

 - @eyesonpal -

On behalf of the terror regime of Israel, using the money of innocent taxpayers, American and British ZOGs hit Yemen with 18 air raids on October 04, 2024. Four on the capital city of Sanaa, 10 on Hudaydah, 3 on Al-Bayda, and 1 on Thamar.


Terrorist Israel attacked Palestinian farmer

Yesterday (October 05, 2024), Israeli settler mobs, under the protection of the terrorist armed group, attacked Palestinians picking olives on their lands in Al-Luban al-Gharbiyya, Ramallah District, setting fire to their olive grove.


After the attack and the settlers' withdrawal, Israel's terror armed group responded by firing tear gas at the wounded Palestinians.



An attempt for resuscitation of a child killed in the Israeli bombing of her family home in northern Gaza


محاولة إنعاش طفلة استشهدت في قصف طائرات الاحتلال منزل عائلتها في شمال غزة


Zionist counter-protesters in Berlin assaulted a Palestine demonstrator both physically and verbally while ripping off the keffiyeh from her head and body slamming her to the ground.

The aftermath of the Israeli airstrike that hit a tent for displaced Palestinians in Al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir Al-Balah in central Gaza, resulted in 11 causalities including a journalist.

The apartheid regime of Israel arrested for no reason, several Palestinian workers from the West Bank د in the town of Beit Hanina in Jerusalem.


شرطة الاحتلال تعتقل عدد من العمال الفلسطينيين من حملة هوية الضفة الغربية في بلدة بيت حنينا في مدينة القدس.


Once a thief, forever is a thief!

Terrorist Israel stole a luxury vehicle during a raid into Qalandia refugee camp, north of occupied Jerusalem. 

Over 76 years this trashes stolen Palestinian land, and today is an expensive car! What a disgusting entity!

The free people around the world gave respect to Palestine Resistance (not the traitor regime of PA under the cowardice, treacherous, and betrayal of Mahmoud Abbas) in Dallas marching for Gaza, West Bank, and Lebanon 🇵🇸🇱🇧.

Al-Yaman Al-Saeed School Massacre!

At least 17 Palestinians were murdered by terrorist Israel that targeted the tents of the displaced people in the Al-Yaman al-Saeed school in Jabalia, northern Gaza.

Terrorist Israeli sniper targeted a little girl with a bullet in the neck while she was trying to flee from Jabalia towards Gaza City.

Israel is a virus!
Israel is a parasite!
Israel is trash!
No doubt!

  - @qudsnen -

Mar Takla Church and Sayed Nasrallah

From the Mar Takla Church in liberated Maaloula, the oldest Christian town on Earth and one of only a few remaining places where Aramaic, the language of Jesus Christ (A.S.) the Messiah is still spoken, a picture of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah (R.A.) adorns a display of Christian sculptures.


It is in and around this structure where Hizbullah gave some of its best martyrs.


And it is in this ancient town where the nuns described the Mujahideen of Hizbullah as "angels... Simply angels." Ahmad Ali Qassas (R.A.), martyred in Beirut last year defending the arms of the Resistance, was one of the leaders of the battle against Jabhat al-Nusra, which, with 'Israeli', American, Saudi, and Turkish support, had taken over the area in 2013, only to be crushed and expelled by the Party of ALLAH (SWT) and the Syrian Arab Army a year later.


The entirety of the Qalamoun Mountains would be freed in operations spearheaded by Hizbullah. It is not only the Muslims of Syria who are at the service of Sayyed al-Mouqawamah... But the Christians too. Hence the beautiful photo; hence the beautiful, unshakable Crescent and Cross solidarity.


@Cultures_of_Resistance Telegram Channel


Terrorist Israel murdered Lebanese paramedic

The usurping Zionist entity has murdered another Lebanese paramedic, Alaa Ahmad Mouhyaddine (R.A.), who worked for the Red Cross, in a brutal air raid. She was gathering food supplies when the 'Israeli' bombs dropped and left her with fatal head wounds.


Shahida Alaa, who was also an engineer, just gave birth recently. She will never see her baby again.


The family-destroying, mother-killing Israel terrorists continue their rampage against Lebanon's health care system. It is an obscenity. And a crime against everything good and decent in this world.


@Cultures_of_Resistance TG Channel.

One year of genocide in Gaza: death, destruction and despair. This is what Israel has done to Palestinians during its 365 days of genocide in the Gaza Strip.


In Porto: Um ano de genocídio em Gaza: morte, destruição e desespero.Eis o que Israel fez aos palestinianos durante os 365 dias de genocídio na Faixa de Gaza.


Via @anadoluagency on IG


The terror group of Israel continues the systematic destruction of the streets and infrastructure during a military raid into the Jenin refugee camp.

Palestinian children were injured after the terrorist Israel bombed the tents of displaced Palestinians at the Al Aqsa hospital in Deir Al Balah, central Gaza.


إصابات جراء قصف الاحتلال خيام النازحين داخل مستشفى شهداء الأقصى بدير البلح وسط القطاع


The cowardice Israeli special terror group disguised as civilians to kill four youths in Nablus, West Bank, a region under the treacherous regime of Mahmoud Abbas and his dogs.

Terrorist Israel destroyed infrastructure during a raid in Jenin, north of the occupied West Bank.

Terrorist Israel destroyed infrastructure during a raid in Jenin, north of the occupied West Bank.

Billion Dollars American Money to Satisfy the Genocidal Regime of Israel


From October 7, 2023, to October 7, 2024:


The USA blindly supported Israel, at least $32.3 billion to kill 42,000 innocent people. Meanwhile, many people in the USA live in trailers and are even homeless. It is a parasite of the AIPAC disease in America, no more no less.



A new mural, titled "Free Palestine from German Guilt,” has appeared in Berlin, Germany.

A new mural, "Free Palestine from German Guilt,” appeared in Berlin, Germany.

Rufaida School Massacre by terrorist Israel!


Martyrs arrived at the hospital with torn bodies and seriously injured (on another video) as a result of the violent raid on Rafida/Rufaida school west of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.


شهداء وصلوا الى المستشفى اشلاء باجساد ممزقة ، وجرحى باصابات خطيرة ، نتيجة الغارة العنيفة على مدرسة رفيدة غرب دير البلح وسط القطاع.

Director General of the Government Media Office in Gaza to Al Jazeera: "22 martyrs as a result of the occupation targeting a school in Deir al-Balah."


 - @nahed_hajjaj99 on IG -